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Putting together a SOCK DRIVE for those in need in your community is a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day

How to Plan a Sock Drive


People love the idea that something as simple as socks can impact the life of a person in need.  Putting together a basic plan for your Sock Drive will ensure you create the biggest possible impact:


1.Pick a group of people you want to work with, and decide how you want to engage them. You may work with a leader at your church or school, organization or club, or ask your employer to support your effort.


2. Tell them about our Misfit Sock Movement and how we use socks to empower the marginalized. Send emails, or simply direct people to our website to learn more :


3. Decide where and to whom you will donate these socks. Is it a local shelter? Do you head into town and hand them out to the homeless?  Is their a family or community organization in need?


4.Establish a collection point where people can drop off their donation. Placing your basket, bin or box at a business, church, or other publicly accessible location is a good idea.


5.Don’t forget to set a deadline so people know when your Sock Drive will conclude!

6.Plan to follow-up with your original group of contacts a few days before the Sock Drive ends to remind them of the deadline and encourage last-minute donations.


What To Do When Your Sock Drive Ends


Your Sock Drive was a success, now it’s time to get the socks to the recepients and see their smiles.



Don't forget to share your good work with the local media.  We are always here to answer any questions:

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