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Start a conversation about kindness and how nothing makes our heart grow more than extending kindness to others. Children sit in a circle with their shoes off and wearing their misfit socks. Encourage the children to hold their hand over their hearts to feel their hearts beating. Remind them that when they are kind to others not only does their heart grow but their act of kindness makes others want to be kind too, and the world becomes a better place. Their words and actions matter. Manners Matter.



Begin the lesson by picking a book from our MISFIT MANNERS Bookshelf. Click each book and decide which book you are interested in reading. You can get these books at your local or school library or purchase online. Many of these books are also read by the authors on YouTube.  These books are a great catalyst for conversation with children.

Misfit Strong Journal

For this lesson the Journal will be transformed into a kindness journal.


1. Have the kids draw what KINDNESS looks like to them.


2. Draw a picture of somone that they have been kind to?  What was their act of kindness.


3. Smiling and waving to people is a great way for kids to practice their manners. Draw a picture of a SMILE, people smiling or waving.


4. Have a conversation about other ways kids can be KIND to others...


Putting KINDNESS into action is an important part of this lesson. There are so many FUN ways to offer KINDNESS using MISFIT SOCKS.


1. Take a sock and fill it with a nice drawing and have the child give it to someone special.


2. Hang a sock on a clothesline or someplace special and fill it with a penny each time the child offers and act of kindness.  Could become a great piggy bank for kindness.


3. Have each child hold a sock--then pin the socks together making a long sock chain.  The chain represents a kindness chain, reminding them that they are all tied together and offering kindness together to

make the world a better place.


4. Have kids bring items that they can stuff in a sock and donate to a homeless shelter: toothbrush, soap, more socks, mints, shampoo, etc.

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