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Being CLEAN and cleaning up shows respect and teaches children respect for themselves and respect for others. Cleanliness is an exercise, a practice, and children need to be introduced to the concept early. 


Begin by having the chidren sit in a circle with crinkled paper and trash in the middle of the circle.  Ask them what they notice?  How does the mess it make them feel?


Toddlers make messes, but teaching them that cleaning up can be FUN is key. 



Allison from No Time For Flash Cards says – “We do 10 second tidy, where I see what they can pick up in 10 seconds ( usually me counting to ten much slower than 10 seconds though), also giving them numbers to pick up ” pick up 3 things, now 5 , now 7!” as well as my fave that also worked with my very jaded 6th graders when I was student teaching ” Secret toy / garbage / whatever they are picking up. You choose something to be the secret toy and whoever picks it up wins . Amazingly it’s always one of the last toys, pieces of garbage etc.”


Begin the lesson by picking a book from our MISFIT MANNERS Bookshelf. Click each book and decide which book you are interested in reading. You can get these books at your local or school library or purchase online. Many of these books are also read by the authors on YouTube.


SING to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb


Time to put the toys away
Toys away, toys away
Time to put the toys away
For another day.

Time to put the blocks away,
Blocks away, blocks away
Time to put the blocks away
For another day

Change the item to put away until everything’s away.


Take some of your misfit socks and use them to clean off surfaces.  It's simple and FUN!
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